Ruth Younger and Halle Berry are in their thirties and were once beautiful but are now simply pretty. Ruth Younger is an emotionally drained wife and mother who lives in poor housing conditons in a very cramped apartment. Halle Berry also played a poor woman in a white world and the strain of dealing with this white world was wearing her down in "A Monster's Ball". Ruth is usually the peacmaker in the family and even when she is being badgered by her husband, she still usually remains kind.
Walter says to Ruth, "Who even cares about you?", Ruth replies, "Well, I guess I mght as well go to bed- I don't know where we lost it... but we have, I'm sorry about this new baby Walter. I guess I better go on and do what I started- I guess I didn't realize how bad things were between us- I guess I just didn't realize it. You want some hot milk?" I am amazed at her calmness and sorrow. Most women would never put up with this abuse and happily, most women don't deal with this type of relationship however Halle Berry could definitely pull it off just as she did in "A Monster's Ball".
Fabulous first post!