Sunday, February 13, 2011

Denzel Washington to be cast as Walter Younger

       Walter Younger reminds me of Denzel Washington in "Remember the Titans". Walter and Denzel are both strong characters in their thirties who are always complaining and agitated about something. Although they seem miserable most of the time, when it comes to their child, a smile comes to their face. They are both tall and slender and are a powerful force to deal with when they become angry. When things don't go well, they both lash out on the people around them. Of course when things finally go well or seem to go well, we see their glowing smile on Denzel when they won the game and Walter when he thought he made a good investment.
        Typically, Walter is instigating someone, particularly Beneatha, such as the time when he said "You a horrible looking chick at this time of the hour". Beneatha is not Walter's only target, Ruth receives jabs from Walter as well such as when he says, " Just for a second-when stirring them eggs. Just for a second it was- you looked real young again..... it's gone now, you look yourself again". Walter is one miserable character and Denzel can easily play miserable just as he did in "Remember the Titans". Yes, Denzel is a perfect choice to play Walter Younger.

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