Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jack Nicholson to be cast as Kari Lindner

Kari Lindner is a middle age white man is is chairman of the "Welcoming Committee" for the white neighborhood. He is dishonest although he tries to portray an honest man who sincerely wants the needs of all people to be equally met in his community. Kari Lindner is full of smiles while convincing the Youngers to give up their interest in their home in the white neighborhood. Of course he is looking out for their best interest... or not. Jack Nicholson is known for portraying dishonest characters who only have himself and his own interest in mind. An example of Jack Nicholson and his shady dealings would be many but "The Departed" initially comes to mind. He is full of smiles while he destroys the lives of everyone around him. Yes, Jack Nicholson could pull off any role and is especially more deserving of a bigger role than Kari Lindner however he would be best suited for this role overall.

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